Shared Bowers Gifford
On the evening of the 23rd of January Adam told his Mother Clare he loved her and wish her Goodnight, they all went to sleep. Just before midnight Clare woke up to the sound of the front door closing and after investigating found that for some reason, Adam had chosen to leave the house.
This was not normal behaviour for Adam and Clare tried to call his mobile telephone which was switched off. After waiting a while Clare became concerned and reported Adam missing. His family have no idea what lead to his walking out, his friends have no idea and saw no warning signs. Everybody that knew Adam is mystified by his behaviour. But somebody out there MUST know where he is, it is highly unlikely that Adam is alone.
He left the house in black Nike trainers with a luminous yellow tick, blue jeans, white top and a long blue dressing gown. He took with him his iPhone and bank card. Nothing more.
There were two possible placements for Adam, one was at Tesco on the A127 where he used his card for the first and only time on the 25th of January and a possible (not verified) sighting near Bournemouth Park Road. Since then nobody has seen or heard from him, his mobile remains off and his bank account untouched.
Essex Police have listed him as a Missing Person and referenced the incident under number 1116 25/01/18. They have also shared this page on their website, Social media and in an appeal in the Evening Echo.The Echo have also published an appeal as has South Essex College where Adam was studying.
Clare and a group of volunteers spent Friday the 23rd February walking through Southend High Street and Westcliff handing out flyers and asking the public to keep an eye out for Adam.
Flyers were also handed out on Canvey and in Benfleet.
Yet still nobody has come forward to say they have seen or heard from Adam.
As of today, 27th February it has been five weeks since Adam walked out into the night. Please could all our readers keep spreading the word. Adam is out there somewhere, possibly oblivious to how very much he is missed. If we keep on keeping on someone will spot him, recognise him, speak to him and hopefully let him know that he is not in any trouble at all, nobody is cross with him, nothing negative will happen to him but he simply must at least call his mother and in his own voice tell her that all is well and that he is ok. long evening dresses
Here are some photographs taken by Adams friend Jade a day before his disappearance and some of the clothes he was wearing, although it is likely he won't be wearing them now.
If you have any news, however small then please either post on this page, pm Clare Taylor or Yzzy Howell or call the Police on 101 quoting the incident number above. You can of course ask to remain Anon.
Many thanks to you all, please keep the share button blazing!