With our online realty pricing platform you can Fastrack your listings with three completely online realty bidding modules:
Demonstrate to sellers that you are committed to innovative, web based technologies that ensure they will get the hightest price possible for their property.
Save time on each listing by directing buyers and their agents to your listing's bid form to submit all offers - no more "back and forth" negotiations. Buy Now, Make Offer, or hold an Online Auction . . . then write the contract. Your time IS money.
Auctions aren't just for distressed properties anymore (though they work really well). How much money did you leave on the table when the market was "Hot"? Whenever two or more people are interested in a property, an auction guarantees the highest price is realized. How much time did you waste when the market was "Hot" by collecting multiple offers on a listing and having the seller pick the best one? That's when you needed an auction.